Helping people with leg injuries to walk

On May 20, 2024, we delivered hands-free crutches to Lviv hospitals. These crutches are a great support for people with leg injuries.

We should quote Janis Slezins, one of the initiators of the transfer: “It has happened! We have delivered the first 102 iWalk3.0 hands-free crutches, which are so much needed by Ukrainians, purchased with funds donated by Latvian society. This donation has reached two hospitals in Lviv, where soldiers and civilians are treated. Thanks to the Latvian society, the Foundation, as well as the Angels for Ukraine Foundation, for their active involvement in delivering crutches to where they are most needed at the moment. Let’s continue to support!”.

iWALK crutch is a carefully engineered multiple award-winning medical mobility device that ends the pain and inconvenience of conventional crutches.

According to the iWALK’s website, their crutches is the best solution for non-weight bearing lower leg injuries. iWALK crutch is easy to learn, economical to own, pain-free, and provides unsurpassed mobility. The iWALK crutch is also well-cushioned for comfort, and you use the same upper leg muscles that you normally would, so there is no unusual strain on any body part like there is with standard crutches. And its unique design allows you to carry out everyday tasks with more confidence and less risk of further injury.

These new age hands-free crutches had an old school beginning. In the late 1990s, a Canadian farmer fell from his roof and broke his ankle. There is no personal time off in farming, so he propped his knee on a stool so he could continue working. He realized it would be great if the stool could just move with him, so he built the prototype of what would become the iWALK out of wood. The rest is mobility history.

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