One of the core programmes of Angels for Ukraine is dedicated to providing critical assistance and resources to help Ukraine’s rebuilding, recovery and development following the devastating impacts of the ongoing aggression.

Recovery and development directions:

  • Rebuilding damaged infrastructure, including homes, schools, hospitals, and essential utilities.
  • Rebuilding the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, supporting local communities in drafting and implementing projects focused on building small energy generation facilities.
  • Restoring agricultural production and supporting farmers to revive Ukraine’s agricultural sector.
  • Implementing job training and economic empowerment initiatives to foster self-sufficiency.
  • Funding educational opportunities and resources for children and youth affected by the conflict.
  • Facilitating the clearance of landmines and unexploded ordnance for community safety.

Through a combination of on-the-ground operations and partnerships with local communities, the Angels for Ukraine aims to bring hope, stability, and a brighter future to the resilient people of Ukraine.

Join us in this crucial effort by making a donation or volunteering your time and skills. Together, we can help Ukraine rise from the ashes of war and rebuild stronger, more vibrant communities.